Affordable Childcare in Brockville
Preschool Programs Ready Your Child for Success in School
Looking for high quality and affordable childcare in Brockville? Come to Stepping Stones Children’s Learning Centre. We provide a preschool program that helps your son, daughter or grandchild with a fun way to learn while also getting him or her used to the routines of a school setting. At the completion of the program, we send off our preschool graduates with a graduation ceremony where they’ll get to cross a stage and be honoured for their accomplishments in our preschool program.
Enrollment Form
Please print and fill out our enrollment form using the link here.
Parent Sign Off Form
Please print and fill out the parent sign off form here. This is a release form for your child to participate in activities and receive emergency medical care if necessary. This form also includes fee information for program enrollment.
Special Needs
We integrate special needs children into our program and are able to offer subsidized care through the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville. This is applicable to all age groups, except for our 6 to 9 year-old groups.
Age Groups
Stepping Stones is licensed under the Ministry of Education. We offer the following childcare programs:
INFANTS (6 months – 18 months)
1 staff member, 3 infants (1:3 ratio)
Arrival and group play until 9:00 AM
French circle
AM snack
Free play / Arts and crafts / English circle
Outdoor play in the yard or walk (weather permitting)
Lunch (12:00 PM)
Nap time (12:45 PM – 2:45 +/-)
PM snack
Free play indoors/outdoors
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TODDLERS (19 months – 30 months)
2 staff members, 10 toddlers (1:5 ratio)
Arrival and group play until 9:00 AM
French circle
AM snack
Free play / Arts and crafts / English circle
Outdoor play in the yard or walk (weather permitting)
Lunch (12:00 PM)
Nap time (12:45 PM – 2:45 +/-)
PM snack
Free play indoors/outdoors
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PRESCHOOLERS (31 months – 5 years)
2 staff members, 15 children (1:8 ratio)
Arrival and group play until 9:00 AM
French circle
AM snack
Bathroom routine / Diapering
Free play / Arts and crafts / English circle (worksheets based on colour, number, shape and letter sounds)
Outdoor play in the yard or walk (weather permitting)
Lunch (12:00 PM)
Bathroom routine / Diapering
Nap or quiet rest time (12:45 – 2:45 PM +/-)
Wake up program (2:00 – 3:00 PM)
Bathroom routine / Diapering
PM snack
Free play indoors/outdoors
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SCHOOL-AGE (6 years to 9 years old)
1 staff member, 15 children (ratio 1:15 ratio)
Free play time before and after school hours
If you have questions about costs or openings, please call or